Support Our Organization
Support from our friends, community and region is an integral part of our work. Through supporting our organization, you are making possible the extension of our services to more families and households in need. We invite you to contribute to our work through a charitable gift, or honor a mentor, friend or family member with a tribute gift that continues to honor their legacy. All donations are tax deductible, and may be made securely online by clicking on the Contribute button to the right.
Letcher County Flood Damage
Our region has suffered from historic flooding on July 28, 2022 which has caused major damage, loss of life and property for many of our neighbors in Letcher and surrounding counties. HOMES Inc. employees and tenants were affected by this storm as well. We’re happy to say our staff are all safe. We need donations from outside the impacted area from past volunteers and friends of HOMES, Inc. as we plan to recover from this catastrophy.

Rescue Airboat on Crafts Colley Holler